Two of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Qumran Caves prior to removal by archeologists for scholarly examination. Click here to learn what carbon-14 dating can tell us about them.
Alisa Childers, Christian Apologist and Blogger
- Problems with Progressive Christianity (YouTube)
- Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Walking Through Doubt (Youtube)
- Critical Theory and Intersectionality: What Christians Need to Know (YouTube)
- The Resurrection Argument that Changed a Generation of Scholars (YouTube)
- A Scholar’s Evidence for the Resurrection | AMP 2015 (short version of video above) (YouTube)
Timothy Keller, DMin, Founding Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York
- Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical | Google Talks (YouTube)
- Literalism: Isn’t the Bible Historically Unreliable and Regressive? (YouTube)
- Jesus Vindicated (YouTube)
- Seven Days that Divide the World (YouTube)
- On Differing Interpretations of Genesis 1 (YouTube)
- What Makes the Bible So Special? (YouTube)
- Why Can the Bible be Trusted? (YouTube)
- The Dead Sea Scrolls (YouTube)
- Grand Central Question | AMP 2016 (YouTube)
- Three Lines of Evidence for Christianity: Scriptural (YouTube)
- Three Lines of Evidence for Christianity: Historical (YouTube)
- Three Lines of Evidence for Christianity: Theological (YouTube)
Lee Strobel, Former legal editor of The Chicago Tribune
- The Case for Christ (YouTube)
J. Warner Wallace, Cold case homicide detective and Christian apologist
- What Do I Say When I Only Have a Minute to Talk About Inerrancy of Scripture? (YouTube)
- Why Would a Scribe Purposely Change the Biblical Manuscript? (Article)
- Investigating Bart Ehrman’s Top Ten Troublesome Bible Verses (Article)
- Related Resource: The Ehrman Project (Compilation of apologetic responses by various theologians on YouTube)