“God as Architect/Builder/Geometer/ Craftsman” from The Frontispiece of Bible Moralisee, Gothic, mid-13th c., France, Codex Vindobonensis 2554 (French, ca. 1250) in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.
- Are You More Than Your Atoms? | TEDxPurdueU (YouTube)
- Integrating Faith with Your Scientific Vocation | Ratio Christi “Prof Talk” (YouTube)
- Am I Just My Brain? (YouTube)
- Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence? (YouTube)
- Why the Scientific Process Undermines Materialist or Naturalist Perspectives | Socrates in the City (YouTube)
Eric Metaxas, Author and radio show host
- Does Science Argue For or Against God? | Prager University (YouTube)
- Interview with Ben Shapiro, Sunday Show Episode 43 (YouTube)
- Eric Metaxas Interviews Stephen Meyer at Socrates in the City: “Darwin’s Doubt” (The Cambrian Explosion) (YouTube)
- What Happened to Evolution at the Royal Society? Stephen Meyer vs. Perry Marshall (podcast)
Hugh Ross, PhD, Reasons to Believe
- Reasons Forum LIVE 9/27/2018 (YouTube)
- Conference Weekend
- Session 1: An Astronomer’s Quest (YouTube)
- Session 1 Q&A (YouTube)
- Session 2: Ask the Animals (YouTube)
- Session 3: Cosmic Reasons to Believe in Christ (YouTube)
- (YouTube)
- Session 3 Q&A (YouTube)
- Improbable Planet (YouTube)
- MythBusters Conference Q&A (YouTube)
- Beyond the Cosmos: The Transdimensionality of God (YouTube)
Fazale Rana, PhD, Reasons to Believe
- From Opposition to Opportunity | AMP 2016 (YouTube)
- Finding Adam: Is there a Scientific Case for a Historical Adam and Eve? (YouTube)
- The Human Genome: ENCODED for Design (YouTube)
- Transhumanism: Human Beings 2.0 (YouTube)
- The Nanotechnologist and God (YouTube)
- The Origin of Life: The Inside Story (YouTube)
- An Open Letter to My Colleagues (Online article)
Jeff Zweerink, PhD, Reasons to Believe
- Beginning of the Universe (YouTube)
- Hubble Ultra Deep Field (YouTube)
- Oxygen for Life (YouTube)
- Cells (YouTube)